
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Building Drawings From The Ground Up

This is something I've discussed before, but it's worth metioning again, and again, and possibly a third time. It's about the importance of building a drawing up from a loosely drawn, rough sketch. Last time I talked about using different colored pencils for each stage a particular drawing goes through, which makes it easier to follow your "good lines" and avoid the bad ones. I find it also helps to leave any & all bad lines that you can, don't erase them, just draw over them with a different color. This will help you avoid the bad lines, whereas if you erase them, you will be much more likely to draw the same exact line again, which only leads to frustration.

That all said, I stumbled on this guy Comlock's site through a forum I visit. I'm not sure how to say it best, but what he touches turns to gold. He has his portfolio on his site, which I strongly suggest you check out. He also has a tutorial section in which you can see his artwork develop. Please take the time to look it over, especially if you have a hard time capturing weight, movement & emotion in poses. Don't worry about skill level involved, the same principles apply to building a drawing no matter what the artist's skill, and trust me, my best work can't even approach Comlock's worst, but I can & do learn from the approach he takes. Hopefully you will find his sketches, paintings & animations as informative & entertaining as I have.

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