
Monday, April 30, 2007

Tutorial Update

Ok, after MUCH fooling around with the settings on my screen capture program, I've finally had some success. Recording audio & video together wasn't working for me no matter what I tried, so then I tried playing the video back with the sound muted & recording the audio over top. That didn't work either. Finally this morning it dawned on me to record the audio by itself in Audacity, and setting my screen capture to record audio from the speakers, not the mic. This seemed to make a huge difference, and there is barely any gap between audio & video now.

Due to file size, I've also broken the tut up into several chunks. It will probably be 3 or 4 in total, but they will break at logical places so it's no big deal. Best I can do with limited video hosting. Anyway, part one is complete & in working order, and I now know how to get good results so the other parts will be finished pretty quick. The only reason part one isn't up here now is that I finished it 30 seconds before leaving for work, so I will try to upload it tomorrow morning. Sorry it's taken this long, I thought the process would be a bit more straightforward than it turned out.

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